[FLN - Virtual]
Est. September 2021
3rd Tuesday/Month
New Format!!!
Click Here to view the New Format!!!
Join us for the
[FLN - Virtual]
Open Networking Session Via Zoom
Click Here to view the new format!!
Upcoming Opening Networking Session
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
12pm to 1pm
Arrive 5-10 Minutes Early to attend.
New Format Begins - April 2023
Via Zoom Only
Make sure to register in advance or we will not be able to send you the Zoom link on the evening before.
You don't have to attend if you register,
but you can't attend if you don't register.

All FLN - Members and qualified candidates are invited to attend.
The Florida Lawyers Network (FLN) is an outstanding network of highly-skilled and well-qualified lawyers in each area of practice throughout Florida, and someday beyond.
The [FLN - Mission] is to give experienced attorneys and professionals a tremendous opportunity to build and develop valuable connections on a long-term basis.
Far and away the best prize that life
offers is the chance to work hard
doing work worth doing."
-Theodore Roosevelt
[FLN - Virtual ]
Upcoming Meetings
3rd Tuesday/Month
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 110, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33325
T: 954.670.2800 - E: FLN@FloridaLawyersNetwork.com
"FLN - Members" Visit - www.FLNMembers.com