FLN - Advocate Awards The FLN - Advocate Award is proudly presented to FLN - Members who provide tremendous "value and benefit" to the FLN - Mission. The FLN - Mission is to give experienced attorneys and professionals a tremendous opportunity to build and develop valuable connections on a long-term basis. FLN - is very proud to recognize the following FLN Members for their valuable contributions to the organization in the following categories. |
[FLN - Member - Ken Hassett] | Best Overall - FLN - Chapter Meeting Attendance in all FLN - Chapters for 2021 - 2023: The FLN - Advocate Award in this category was presented to Criminal Defense Attorney - Ken Hassett - who has been an active FLN - Member since 2016, and is currently the FLN - West Broward Chapter President, while also being a member in the FLN - Fort Lauderdale Chapter as well. Congratulations to Ken Hassett as he attended more FLN - Chapter meetings between 2021 thru 2023 than any other FLN Member in the entire organization. Final results in this category were very close as several FLN Members were within 5 meetings of each other, but Ken pulled away in the last year with an outstanding attendance record in his designated FLN - Chapter. |
[FLN - Member - Felicia Kaufman] | Best FLN - Power Lunch Coordinator - 2023: The 2023 - FLN - Advocate Award for the Best Power Lunch Coordinator was proudly presented to Workers' Compensation Attorney - Felicia Kaufman - who has been an active FLN - Member since 2015. As an FLN - Member for many years, Felicia Kaufman has also served as the Chapter Events Director, and the Chapter President in the FLN - Fort Lauderdale Chapter. Congratulations to Felicia Kaufman as she coordinated the most FLN - Power Lunches in 2023. and was able to get a significant number of FLN - Members to attend the FLN - Power Lunches that she hosted. Most importantly, Felicia Kaufman - made sure she reported after every single power lunch so the FLN - Team could record the data. Final results in this category were very close as several other FLN Members were very good at coordinating the FLN - Power Lunches, but Felicia consistently had the most FLN Members in attendance each time she hosted. |
[FLN - Member - Sam Coffey] | FLN - Chapter President of the Year - 2023: At the recent FLN - Awards Banquet - all FLN - Chapter Presidents that have served as an FLN - Chapter President at any time were called on stage and recognized as part of the FLN - President's Club. The 2023 - FLN - Advocate Award for the Best FLN - Chapter President of the Year award was based on many different criteria including, the number of Chapter meetings attended, the number of power lunches attended, the number of new members that joined the FLN Chapter, the overall percentage of Chapter members attending every Chapter meeting, and overall excellence and growth of the Chapter during his or her tenure. The 2023 - FLN - Advocate Award for the FLN - Chapter President of the Year Award was proudly presented to Personal Injury Attorney Sam Coffey who has been an active FLN Member since 2011. During his tenure as FLN - Chapter President in 2023, Attorney Sam Coffey attended each and every FLN - Chapter meeting in 2023, he attended a significant number of FLN Power Lunches, he became an FLN Member in in the FLN - Aventura Chapter, and at the end of the year, he graciously provided a gift for every FLN - Member in the FLN - Fort Lauderdale and FLN - Aventura Chapter during the Holidays. Congratulations to Sam Coffey and all the FLN - Chapter Presidents that have served in this valuable and important role of every FLN - Chapter. |
[FLN - Member - Barry Stein] | FLN - Lifetime Achievement Award - 2023: The FLN - Lifetime Achievement Award is proudly presented to a Diamond Level Member that has been part of FLN for 10 or more years, and has consistently provided tremendous "value and benefit" to FLN, and its members. At the recent FLN - Awards Banquet - all FLN - Diamond Level Members with 10 or more years of continuous FLN - Membership were brought on stage and recognized for their long-term membership in the organization. The 2023 - FLN - Lifetime Achievement Award is proudly presented to Workers' Compensation Attorney Barry Stein for his continued excellence in providing tremendous "value and benefit" to the FLN Members in multiple Chapters over the years. |
FLN - Chapter Awards
FLN - Chapter Perseverance Award - 2023: The FLN - Chapter Perseverance Award is specifically designed to recognize a particular FLN - Chapter that has persisted in achieving growth, success and prosperity despite various challenges. The 2023 - FLN - Chapter Perseverance Award is proudly presented to the FLN - Aventura Chapter for taking action on a regular basis that showed they were determined to succeed against some odds. Congratulations to FLN Aventura Chapter that has been recently averaging over 80% Chapter meeting attendance since August of 2023, and has grown by 34% in the last several months. Great work, and we are looking forward to a great year in 2024 for the FLN - Aventura Chapter. |
FLN - Chapter Consistency Award - 2023: The FLN - Chapter Consistency Award is specifically designed to recognize a particular FLN - Chapter that has been routinely excellent over an extended period of time. The 2023 - FLN - Chapter Consistency Award is proudly presented to the FLN - Boca Raton Chapter for consistently showing up each and every month since June of 2011 to build and develop valuable connections on a long-term basis. The consistency of the FLN - Boca Raton Chapter has been seen in the long-term membership of the Chapter members as follows: 21% of the FLN - Boca Chapter Members have been part of FLN for 10 or more years 40% of the FLN - Boca Chapter Members have been part of FLN for 7 or more years 54% of the FLN - Boca Chapter Members have been part of FLN for 5 or more years Congratulations to the FLN - Boca Raton Chapter for the consistency and continuity of the FLN Membership over an extended period of time. |
FLN - Chapter Communications Award - 2023: The FLN - Chapter Communications Award is specifically designed to recognize a particular FLN - Chapter that has shown great communication between FLN - Chapter meetings on the FLN - WhatsApp and/or the FLN - Circle. The 2023 - FLN - Chapter Communications Award is proudly presented to the FLN - Doral Chapter for communicating, efficiently, routinely and effectively with the Chapter members on a variety of relevant and important topics. The valuable Chat groups keep members informed, engaged and captivated, and clearly the FLN - Doral Chapter has definitely been very active in 2023 through it's communications. |
Best Percentage of [FLN - Chapter Members] attending FLN - Power Lunches - 2023: Attendance and participation at FLN - Power Lunches is a critical and vital ingredient to the FLN - Mission. FLN - Members that routinely and consistently attend FLN - Power Lunches are far more likely to provide and receive lots of "value and benefit" when building and developing these valuable connections. The FLN Best Percentage of FLN - Chapter Members attending an FLN Power Lunch for 2023 is proudly presented to the FLN - West Broward Chapter for having an average of over 46% of Chapter Members attending an FLN Power Lunch every session. Once session in particular - the FLN - West Broward Chapter recorded 88% of the Chapter members in attendance for the July/August session in 2023. Very nicely done, and the most important detail is that they report many of their power lunch results, so we can track the excellence.
Best Overall - [FLN - Chapter] - 2023: Everyone likes to ask - what is the best FLN - Chapter? True Answer - every FLN - Chapter that fulfills the FLN - Mission of giving experienced attorneys and professionals a tremendous opportunity to build and develop valuable connections on a long-term basis in the best FLN - Chapter. However, starting this year, we decided to give the Best Overall FLN - Chapter Award based on the following metrics that help us track excellence in the FLN - organization. The criteria for the Best Overall - FLN - Chapter of the year is based on the following: -The percentage of FLN Chapter Members that attend the FLN - Chapter meetings every month; -The percentage of FLN Chapter Members that attend the FLN - Power Lunches every session; -The percentage of FLN - Chapter Members that are on the WhatsApp and the FLN - Circle; -The percentage of FLN - membership growth in the calendar year; -The percentage of increase in average Chapter meeting attendance. After factoring all of these different metrics, FLN is very proud to present the FLN - Best Overall Chapter Award for 2023 to the FLN - Fort Lauderdale Chapter. |
Thank you again to all the FLN - Members that continue to make this an outstanding network of highly-skilled and well-qualified attorneys, and don't forget to mark your calendar and save the date - Saturday, March 1, 2025 for the Big FLN - 15 Year Anniversary and Awards Celebration. |
FLN - 14 Year Anniversary Sponsors |