[FLN - South Palm Beach Chapter]
Est. August 2017
4th Tuesday/month
(unless conflicts arise)

The Florida Lawyers Network (FLN) is a statewide network of highly-skilled and well-qualified lawyers in each area of practice throughout Florida.
Since 2010, the [FLN - Mission] has been to give experienced attorneys and professionals a tremendous opportunity to build and develop valuable connections on a long-term basis.
Are you connecting with friends and colleagues on a regular basis?
Are you expanding your referral sources?
Are you committed to helping others succeed?
[FLN - South Palm Beach Chapter]
Membership Updates:
Membership Opportunities
Appellate Law
Business Law
Commercial Litigation
Criminal Defense
Employment Law
Family Law
Immigration Law
Personal Injury
[FLN - Members] from adjacent
Chapters are eligible to join additional [FLN - Chapters]
Email Us at Membership@FloridaLawyersNetwork.com
for more details on Membership Opportunities
[FLN - South Palm Beach Chapter]
Power Lunch Groups - Released - 02/11/21
Live "In-Person":
Group 1 - Scott Newmark, Personal Injury
Group 1 - Denise Parrotta, Family Law
Group 2 - Carole Aronson, Real Estate Law
Group 3 - Heather Samuels, Elder Law
[FLN - South Palm Beach Chapter]
Speakers/Ethics Update:
Upcoming Ethics Presentations:
Upcoming Meeting - 04/27/21 - Denise Parrotta
Next Meeting - 05/25/21 - Kara Brotman
Upcoming Chapter Speakers:
Upcoming Meeting - 04/27/21 - Michael Nullman - Carl Fedde
Next Meeting - 05/25/21 - Scott Newmark - Charles Cohen
Join us for the
[FLN - Chapter Meeting via Zoom]
Upcoming Chapter Meeting
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
11:45am - 1:30pm
Via Zoom
Please register the day before the event so we can send around the Zoom details the evening before the meeting.





