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[FLN - Town Hall] - Meet & Greet FLN Member Gary Lesser about the Florida Bar

  • January 27, 2021
  • 5:00 PM
  • [FLN - Virtual Zoom Meeting]
  • 62


  • FLN - Members
  • Florida Bar Members - complimentary to attend

Registration is closed

[FLN - Town Hall]

Meet & Greet

[FLN - Member - Gary Lesser]


Come and Join Us

[FLN - Town Hall Meeting]

[FLN - Member - Gary Lesser]

Candidate Florida Bar President


January 27, 2021 at 5pm

Via Zoom

To give more people a chance to register - Zoom Details will be sent around

2pm on 01/27/21

01/27/21 - 5pm

Learn More about the Florida Bar and to meet and connect with [FLN - Member] - Gary Lesser

This event is exclusively for [FLN - Members] and Florida Bar Members.

If you you know someone that you would like to attend that does not meet this criteria, please let us know by sending an email to and we will gladly send them a special invite. 


[FLN - Member] - Gary Lesser

Candidate for Florida Bar President

Did you know that only a small percentage of Florida Bar members actually voted in the last contested election?

Did you know that the Florida Bar actually offers many free services and programs to help Florida Bar members with their law practice?

Did you know that several of our existing [FLN - Members] are actively involved with important positions with the Florida Bar?

If you have ever wondered what the Florida Bar can really do for the members, then this is a great chance to learn more about how it works, and how selecting certain candidates and getting more involved can really make a difference.

The link for the Florida Bar Committee Preference form can be found at

The deadline is January 15, 2021.

Will it be recorded?

>>>Yes, and we may circulate after the session, but only if you really really promise you will view it later. 

Why should Florida Bar Members attend?

>>>Because knowledge is power. When each of us learns more about the Florida Bar, we can make a difference. 


Join Us for this very informative session on the Florida Bar and how it functions. 


01/27/21 - 5pm

Zoom details will be sent on

the evening before the event so be sure to register "Early and Often"


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