[FLN - Coral Gables Chapter]
Est. August 2013
Meets on the 4th Thursday/Month
(Unless Conflicts Arise)
[FLN - Chapter Directors]
President - Tania Sotelo, Estate Planning/Probate
Past-President - Jonathan Blecher, Criminal Defense
Membership Director - Magda Abdo Gomez, Tax Law
Events Director - Heidi Roth, Mediator
Education Director - David Rogero, Intellectual Property
Communications Director - Lawanda Loftus, First Citizens Bank
[FLN - Coral Gables - Holiday Cocktails]

Monday, December 16, 2019
Festivities commence - 5pm

2333 Ponce de Leon Blvd,
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Members, dates, spouses, guests,
welcome to attend

Please register in advance so we can coordinate the important details with the venue.



Members, Prospective Members & Guests
are welcome to attend.