Honors, Awards, Accolades & Achievements
Point person in Florida for passage of Florida Collaborative Law Process Act (F.S. Ch 61, Part III) and adoption of Rule 12.745 of the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure and Florida Bar Rule of Professional Conduct 4-1.19 by Florida Supreme Court, all of which went into effect on July 1, 2017
On Board and Treasurer of International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, President of Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals and Collaborative Family Law Institute (Past President)
Past President of Florida Chapter of Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Recipient of Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals President's Award – 2017
Recipient of FLAFCC President's Award - 2013
Recipient of Stu Webb Distinguished Service Award from the Collaborative Family Law Institute - 2012
University of Florida Hillel – 2008 Gator Award for Outstanding Service
1998 Recipient of Florida Eleventh Judicial Circuit Ray H. Pearson Guardian-Ad-Litem Award