Are you a successful "law firm owner" that would like to

collaborate on the best strategies and techniques

to market and operate your business?


Don't go it alone.

Trailblazing by yourself is overrated.

Seek the advice and counsel from other law firm owners in a structured format.

Learn more about how some "law firm owners" get better results

before the end of every quarter, then many people get all year.

What is this about?

The Advocates Board Room is a membership based organization that allows successful law firm owners to meet on a regular basis to help each other succeed.

There is only so much we can learn on our own, and when we connect and meet with fellow colleagues, we learn, we grow, we prosper, and we really benefit from collaborating and masterminding.

Famous speaker - Jim Rohn - always talked about the fact that the people we spend the most time with will invariably impact the quality of our life, and the success of our business.

The Advocates Board Room allows you to collaborate with other successful "law firm owners" on a regular basis so you can get more done every quarter than most people get done in a year.

How can the Advocates Board Room help?

-If you are looking to get better results than what you are currently experiencing - then getting involved in a mastermind group with like-minded law firm owners can make a huge difference.

-By meeting with your fellow Board Members on a regular basis, you will gain insight, perspective and feedback that generates great results.

-In this program, Board Members will collaborate on Marketing, Operations and Financial strategies to implement the best practices, and to avoid common mistakes.

-All Board Members help each other succeed through their ideas, resources, and also by holding each other accountable.

-Participating in a "well-vetted" and carefully selected mastermind group allows members to reach higher goals quicker, faster and with more clarity.

-On our own we can only do so much, but by connecting with others about business strategies is extremely valuable.

How to get involved?

There are 2 possible ways to get involved.

1. Click on the link below to view the details and

join us for an upcoming live - "in-person" mastermind event.


2. Click on this link to complete an application and

the Founder will connect with you directly to discuss your active participation.

Testimonials from Active Board Members

"I am very fortunate to have been invited to the join the Advocates Board Room.

After participating in the very first retreat with my fellow Board Members, I am convinced this "mastermind group" will be a game changer for the growth of my practice, and it will keep me focused to achieve my personal and professional goals.

If you are a law firm owner and you have the desire to grow your practice, I invite you to apply for membership. It could change  your life."

-Rich Sierra

ABR Board Member - February 2022


Do I have to attend a live event before I can join one of the existing Board Rooms?

-Not necessarily, but it does help you get a better feel for the program.

How much time is really needed to participate:

-Active Board Members recognize that it takes commitment to achieve your goals and objectives on a regular basis. Active Board Members should count on weekly 1 hour Zoom meetings, and the opportunity to attend a 2 day retreat with fellow board members once per quarter. We know that 100% attendance is unlikely, but the more you attend, the more you participate, the more you benefit.

Is a long-term commitment required?

-Not at all. It's a month to month membership and there is no pressure to stay involved if you don't feel its the right fit. However, current Board Members love the structure, the concept, and the benefits they derive so don't be surprised if you find yourself as a long-term member.

Should I wait until the perfect time to join?

-No that rarely helps. Give it a try, and join sooner than later. Then you can easily evaluate the program, and in most cases you probably will have wished you started 6 months ago.

Jim Rohn quote: You are the average of the five people you spend...

Advocates Board Room

480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 110

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33325

T: 954.670.2800 - E:

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