FLN - Zoom Groups |
FLN - Zoom Groups: Starting February 2025, all FLN - Members in all FLN - Chapters will now have an opportunity to connect throughout the entire organization through FLN - Zoom Groups. This is a very powerful opportunity to efficiently and effectively expand your contacts and connections throughout FLN, and we encourage all FLN - Members to participate on a consistent and regular basis. This is a value added benefit, and does not replace any existing opportunities to connect at the FLN - Chapter meetings and/or the FLN - Power Lunches. As the name implies, all of these groups will be held via Zoom, so there are no geographic limitations. Here is the strategy: -The format will be substantially similar to the FLN - Power Lunches. -All FLN - Members that are actively attending and connecting are eligible to participate. -Every month groups of 5 or less FLN - Members from different FLN - Chapters in different areas of practice will be scheduled to connect via zoom. -Each session will be 40 minutes long, but groups can obviously go longer if they like. -One person from each group will be pre-selected to serve as the coordinator to select a specific date and time for the group to connect. -A quick and efficient agenda will be provided to make the most use of every session. Ideally, every session groups will be assigned as follows: -Only one FLN - Member from a particular area of practice. -Only one FLN - Member from a particular FLN - Chapter. -Only one non-legal member in each group.
Goal & Objective: -When implemented as intended, the FLN - Zoom Groups will be a tremendous opportunity for all FLN - Members in all FLN - Chapters to build and develop valuable connections with a much larger group. Here is how to participate: -You must be on the FLN - Circle. Click here to get on the FLN - Circle. -You must join the FLN - Zoom Group space on the FLN - Circle At first, FLN - Members that are registered to attend the upcoming FLN - 15 Year Anniversary event will be the first to participate. This strategy will allow FLN - Members that are planning to attend, can connect via Zoom, before they meet each other in person at the upcoming event. |